Here's another great item that we sold many years ago and has now come back to us after spending the last 17 years or so on a wall in Nebraska. This is a really fine gun in terms of the careful way it's been handled since its period of use. It has a wonderful and bold inscription on the left side of its frame that reads, "L. Havens from J.Mc.A.Jr.". Whoever "L. Havens" was, he used this gun but was careful in maintaining its condition. It's hard to judge the actual percentage of blue on it barrel and magazine tube because it's blending so perfectly with a plum, blue-brown patina. I'd estimate it at 70% on the barrel and tube, which some of it aged. It has a beautiful aged brass frame and all the metal is free of the usual nicks and dings. The edges, action and all markings are sharp and crisp and the wood retains most all of its finish. Taking into account that it is historically inscribed combined with its super condition warrants its worthiness into the finest of Winchester Collections. It will take some doing to identify whose names are on this gun but if one is patient and good at it, I believe it can be done, adding considerably to its value. I was told when I originally found this gun that there were one or two other presented by the same man on the same date, so he must have been a man of some means during the period. If you know of any other guns presented by an "J.Mc.A. Jr.", please contact me.