This is really nice Six-Pounder Cannon Tube made by Cyrus Alger and dated 1855. Fully martially inspected, this gun could have seen use by North, South or both. All of these early guns were scattered across the country and as the war broke out this could have been in any fort in either region. The gun has a really nice, aged bronze surface mixing with aged blue-green patina with good markings and some corrosion on the back rim and cascabel. This gun can be purchased 3 ways. The tube alone is $62,500. The tube with a used, but very good condition carriage complete with worm and plunger is $68,500.00. The tube with a brand new carriage (identical to that in our photo) is $72,500 and all prices include delivery east of the Mississippi. A delivery charge of $500.00 applies to any delivery west of the Mississippi. If you've ever wanted a nice piece of artillery, these are getting pretty difficult to find and often sell for larger dollars at auction.