This is a wonderful Mountain Howitzer dated 1861, inspected and maker marked, "C. A. & Co. Boston" aka by Cyrus Alger of Boston. This Mountain Howitzer is nearly identical to those made by the Ames Company Foundry and together they supplied the majority of Mountain Howitzers during the Civil War. This example is in exceptional condition showing a beautiful nut-shell patina to the bronze tube. The carriage is a reproduction of course, and is also excellent. The 1841 Mountain Howitzer is a type of bronze smooth-bore 12 pounder optimized for firing explosive shells as well as spherical case and canister. It is light weight and highly portable. Because of this and its ease of dis-assembly, it could be quickly packed on 2 horses or mules that permitted their use with mounted forces in areas where roads were little more than paths or up steep slopes and mountainous areas. These small Howitzers provided artillery support for forces where it would otherwise be unavailable. NOTE; IF YOU ARE SELLING A CANNON OR KNOW SOMEONE THAT WANT'S TO KNOW WHERE TO SELL A CANNON AT THE BEST PRICE, PLEASE CONTACT US. WE BUY ANTIQUE CANNONS.